Amazon Launches Documentary Series Showcasing NFT Impact Around The World



Amazon is bringing the exciting world of Non-Fungible Tokens to everyone with their new series, NFTMe. The documentary series shines a light on how this revolutionary technology has impacted artists and collectors, offering an in-depth look at those whose lives have been transformed by the possibilities of NFTs.


The show takes you around the world and introduces you to people who have been impacted by NFTs: artists, collectors, and industry pros – all sharing their unique stories. NFTMe is streaming on Amazon Prime in the US and UK. And it will be released throughout the rest of the world next year.


The six-part first season introduces you to 50 inspiring pioneers from around the globe. These include from the music industry The Supremes singer Susaye Greene, Madonna’s music producer Peter Rafelson, and the person behind the Black-Eyed Peas NFT collection Cheryl Douglas of Portion.

Others include Queen Diambi Kabatusuila of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Refik Anadol – a digital artist for SpaceX and NASA. He’s famous for creating and digitizing his artwork based on data from experiments on the crew of the Inspiration4 space flight.


The Docu-Series Produced with Help of A.I.

Award-winning director Jonny Caplan, who is also the CEO and co-founder of Tech Talk Media, is behind the idea of the NFTMe docu-series. Work started back in 2019, but after Covid struck it threw a spanner into the works, and production had to change.

Enter A.I. robots with LiDar sensors. This allowed Caplan to complete the work from a distance. The robotic helpers allowed him to direct and communicate while working remotely so NFTMe was brought to life despite all the odds.


A spokesperson for Tech Talk said the company’s aim of the documentary was for it to be the ‘MTV of NFTs’ offering the world all the information NFTs so viewers can learn all the ‘terminology, diversity, and opportunity’ the Web3 can offer.

In the first episode, Influencers look into the NFT and blockchain world to uncover its potential. They talk about what’s happening in this digital space, from looking at the community growing around Web3.

Queen Diambi of Congo also plays a large part in the first episode as she discusses the impact of NFTs on her tribes, which makes for an interesting insight into different cultures.

Music plays a large part in the rest of the docu-series, which is understandable as NFTs are perfect for the music industry. Watching the rest of the series, you’ll see how a request from Eminem’s more than 20 years ago inspired an NFT journey.

There’s a deep look into how NFTs are impacting the entire music industry. And how producers and artists are using the metaverse and NFTs to connect with their fans.



It’s early days in the development of Web3, and with crypto winter getting colder, it’s good to see Amazon streaming a positive narrative. The series takes a deep dive into many different industries, and how NFTs are affecting different cultures.

Jonny Caplan is an award-winning director, and the way the series has been made might even lead to him winning more awards. Who knows, he might even tokenize his award.



Source : Amazon Launches Documentary Series Showcasing NFT Impact Around The World logo


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