Apple Hides The Bitcoin Whitepaper On Every MacBook




Why is Apple hiding the BTC WhitePaper in its devices? 


The mystery is still complete. Crypto


/Système/Bibliothèque/Image\ Capture/Devices/


The question at hand is whether Apple is a secret supporter of Bitcoin or if an employee acted on their own. Baio doesn't know why the BTC whitepaper was chosen out of all documents in the world. Is there a secret Bitcoin maximalist working at Apple or was it a directive from higher up?


There is almost nothing on the internet about this, but it is worth noting that the file name is "simpledoc.pdf" and it is only 184 KB. Perhaps it was simply a convenient and lightweight PDF of several pages for testing purposes, never intended to be seen by end users.


What is interesting is that Apple CEO Tim Cook declared himself a Bitcoin supporter in November 2021. The CEO of the world's second most valuable company answered "yes" when asked if he owned Bitcoin or Ethereum. He also revealed that he had been investing in cryptocurrencies "for some time". Although he said that holding a "diversified portfolio" is reasonable, he dismissed the possibility of Apple following other companies like Tesla or MicroStrategy and investing in BTC in the future. 


Baio received anonymous advice from an employee who revealed that someone internally had reported the issue nearly a year ago. Notably, the issue was reported to the same engineer who had put the PDF there in the first place, and that person has not done or commented anything since.


So, is someone at Apple a secret Bitcoin supporter and left the whitepaper in macOS as a nod to the community? Or is it just a strange coincidence? Either way, it raises fascinating questions about the links between technology and cryptocurrencies, as well as how companies approach the use of these tyechnologies in their daily work.


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