Cardano Founder Charles Hoskinson Busts ‘Ghost Chain’ Myth



Rumors of Cardano being a 'ghost chain' has stirred drama within the community. 


  • The Cardano community swiftly addressed the rumors.
  • Cardano Founder Charles Hoskinson also took a jab at the speculators.  

The broader crypto community recently accused Cardano of being a ‘ghost chain,’ stirring frustration and concern among ADA holders. 


However, the Cardano community, led by founder Charles Hoskinson, banded together to debunk these unfounded claims. They ended the haunting speculations with determination and an arsenal of evidence, highlighting Cardano’s strength and contributions to the blockchain space. 


Cardano Community Exorcises Rumors

After growing increasingly frustrated over the accusations, TapTools, a leading Cardano wallet provider, stepped up to challenge the ‘ghost chain’ rumors with compelling evidence. 


Emphasizing the Proof-of-Stake network’s titanic feat of processing over 72 million transactions, each representing a unique interaction, TapTools showcased the thriving activity on Cardano. The wallet provider highlighted the ecosystem’s strength by pointing out Cardano’s 8.6 million native assets and impressive Total Value Locked (TVL), which has surged by over 300% this year to $190 million, showcasing the community’s confidence and engagement.

Adding to TapTools’ comments, other Cardano platforms and influencers also chimed in, with some highlighting the network’s unparalleled six-year uptime and others pointing out its rapidly growing active user base.


Source : [Cardano Founder Charles Hoskinson Busts ‘Ghost Chain’ Myth]( by Insha Zia - DailyCoin by Insha Zia / August 02, 2023 logo


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