China’s Trademark Office Approves NFT and Virtual Assets Marks



The Chinese Trademark Office has approved several marks related to NFTs and metaverse goods and services. This move underscores their recognition of the growing importance of virtual assets. Recent Trademark Approvals The Chinese Trademark Office’s recent approvals cover a wide range of digital assets and functionalities. Notably, they have acknowledged downloadable digital files that are authenticated by NFTs. 


This recognition extends to various virtual goods.  For instance, they have recognized the display of virtual goods intended for retail purposes. Additionally, the provision of virtual goods specifically designed for entertainment has also been approved.  Furthermore, avatars, digital overlays, and skins, all pivotal for enhancing user experience in online virtual environments, have also been included in the approved list. 


A Step Toward Legitimizing NFTs China’s recent decisions underline its commitment to recognizing the importance and value of NFTs. By sanctioning these marks, China is not merely acknowledging the relevance of the digital economy but is actively working to cement its place in the economic framework. The move can be seen as an effort to legitimize and protect assets integral to the rapidly expanding virtual domain. One of the most prominent outcomes of this decision is the establishment of a clearer legal pathway for stakeholders within the virtual economy. 


Both individuals and businesses now have a fortified framework to rely on when aiming to safeguard their virtual investments.  With these trademarks in place, entities can now more confidently engage in the creation, trade, and utilization of virtual goods and services, knowing that there is a recognized and enforceable legal structure backing their endeavors. 




The Chinese Trademark Office’s decision to approve marks for NFTs and metaverse-related goods and services underscores the increasing significance of the digital realm in today’s economic landscape. As the world becomes progressively digitized and the metaverse continues its ascent, such legal measures are crucial in ensuring that rights are protected and that the virtual economy is allowed to flourish under a structured and reliable framework.


Source : NFT News Today by Alexander Wang / September 22, 2023 logo


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Automata ICO Limited dispose d'une succursale en Italie dont le siège social est situé Via Archimede, 161, Roma, Italie. La société est enregistrée auprès de l’Organisme des agents et médiateurs ("AOM") sous le numéro 96550860587 en tant que Prestataire de Services en Actifs Numériques (“PSAN”).

Automata France SAS est une société française enregistrée et immatriculée sous le numéro SIREN 902 498 617. La société est enregistrée auprès de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers (“AMF”) sous le numéro E2023-087 en tant que Prestataire de Services en Actifs Numériques (“PSAN”).

Automata France SAS est partenaire de Modulr Finance B.V., une société enregistrée aux Pays-Bas sous le numéro d'entreprise 81852401, qui est autorisée et réglementée par la Banque centrale néerlandaise (DNB) en tant qu'Établissement de Monnaie Électronique (Numéro de référence de la société : R182870) pour l'émission de monnaie électronique et les services de paiement. Votre compte et les services de paiement associés sont fournis par Modulr Finance B.V. Vos fonds seront détenus sur un ou plusieurs comptes ségrégués et protégés conformément à la Loi sur la Surveillance Financière. Comment nous assurons la sécurité de votre argent.