Circle Launches Curriculum to Teach High School Students About ... - NFT News and Insights from the Industry



Quick take: Circle has teamed up with the Junior Achievement of Northern California to teach Carlifonian students about Bitcoin, blockchain and NFTs. The program will focus on the Bay Area region of the Western Coast state. As part of the partnership, the JA of Northern California is also managing the Circle Scholar award program. Circle Internet Financial, has announced the launch of a financial literacy curriculum to teach students in the Bay Area, California about Bitcoin, blockchain, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The global financial technology company, renowned for being the issuer of the USDC token has teamed up with the Junior Achievement of Northern California, a non-profit organisation that dedicates itself to equipping young people with skills for economic success. 


The purpose of the program is to educate high school students about internet-based financial services. The two companies are committed to preparing young people to succeed in the global economy. According to the announcement, the JA of Northern California will also be managing the Circle Scholar award program. The companies said one of the twenty $5,000 scholarships will be awarded to students who complete the Digital Financial Literacy Curriculum between 2023 and 2025. 


Although the web3 industry has experienced a slowdown in funding over the past twelve months, companies and educational institutions have expressed a commitment to educating the world about the sector. In June 2023, the University of Nicosia launched a Master of Science degree in Metaverse Studies, with popular NFT industry players Punk6529 and Beeple among those who joined to teach about NFTs. Last October, Hong Kong Polytechnic University launched the city’s first-ever metaverse postgraduate programme “Master of Science in Metaverse Technology”. In November, South Korea’s mobile carrier, LG UPlus (LGU+), partnered with Cheongju University to build a metaverse campus for tech-savvy students familiar with learning in a virtual environment. Circle’s and JA Northern California’s program joins a growing list of literacy curriculums launched to educate the world about all things blockchain. 


Commenting on the partnership with JA Northern California, Mercina Tillemann-Perez, VP of Circle Impact at Circle said: “Working with Junior Achievement to break down the complexities of decentralized technology and digital assets will prepare students with resources to participate in and build the next generation of financial services and create a more inclusive and equitable community surrounding this industry.” On the other hand, Cristene Burr, President and CEO of Junior Achievement of Northern California commented: “The opportunity to partner with Circle to develop and deliver informative and relevant information about the Digital Financial Literacy Curriculum is appealing. We innovate and create cutting-edge curricula with our corporate partners that can scale constantly. What’s new is that we allow students to pursue their post-secondary education goals by competing for a Circle Scholar Award. That’s transformational.” **** Stay up to date: Subscribe to our newsletter using this link – we won’t spam!


Source : [Circle Launches Curriculum to Teach High School Students About ... - NFT News and Insights from the Industry] logo


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