Polygon PoS Now Supported By Amazon Managed Blockchain Access



Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access now supports the Polygon proof-of-stake (PoS) mainnet and the Mumbai testnet in public preview.

AMB is a fully managed service that provides access to public and private blockchains. Polygon is a scaling solution leveraging the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), known for higher transaction throughput and lower transaction fees. The blockchain is often used in building decentralized applications (dapps) related to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Web3 games, and tokenization use cases.

According to Polygon’s blog post,

“[AMB] is adding support for Polygon PoS to offer developers a reliable, scalable and cost-efficient way to build Web3 applications.”

The developer guide adds that AMB helps users build “resilient Web3 applications on the Polygon blockchain.”

Furthermore, it provides serverless and instant access to Polygon PoS without minimum cost. Access is free during the public preview, but standard Amazon Web Services (AWS) data transfer charges apply.

Benefits for Developers, Consumer Brands, and Financial Institutions

AMB Access Polygon “caters to a variety of applications, from use cases calling for repeated and highly-available access to those with intermittent and unpredictable access,” Polygon said.

It noted that this access is beneficial for consumer brands, institutions, and developers alike.

Consumer brands, it said, can use AMB Access Polygon to offer NFTs through a loyalty system to reward customers.

Financial services institutions can utilize it to power digital asset offerings. These require JSON-RPC application programming interface (API) for reading blockchain data and broadcasting users’ signed transactions.

Finally, developers can use Polygon JSON-RPC APIs through “always-on endpoints that offer predictable pay-as-you-go pricing to build applications that interact with Polygon PoS.”

Web3 game developers can create NFTs, which players can then use in-game and/or exchange on marketplaces on Polygon PoS.

AMB Access Polygon offers developers benefits such as production-grade applications, faster time to market, and automatic scaling.

Additionally, with pay-per-request pricing, developers can save up to 80% in blockchain node spending compared to self-managed infrastructure, Polygon claims.

Not The First Polygon-AWS Collaboration

AWS support of Polygon PoS through AMB Access further streamlines the development of scalable and mainstream applications, the post said.

“AWS keeps expanding its enterprise-ready Web3 infrastructure and developer-friendly tools that businesses require to provide fast, seamless and secure access to applications for Web3 native and mainstream consumers.”

Some of the projects across industries that already use AMB Access Polygon include wallet-as-a-service provider Magic, indie game developer studio Mystic Moose, music distribution-focused company RecoChoku, and global fintech infrastructure provider for real-world assets and digital securities Oasis Pro.

However, this is not the two companies’ first partnership.

AWS, Polygon Labs, and gaming venture capital firm Animoca Brands announced a strategic collaboration in mid-November. The announced MoonRealm Express Accelerator aims to support Web3 builders around the world to accelerate Web3 products and solutions through Animoca Brands’ flagship project Mocaverse.

“The goal of MoonRealm Express Accelerator is to support aspiring builders by helping them to turn concepts into real-world solutions”, the announcement said.

Now, they have the addition of AMB Access Polygon.

Source : Cryptonews / Dec 6, 2023

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