Romania to launch national NFT marketplace: Nifty Newsletter, April 19–25



Sotheby’s auction house is set to sell NFTs that are part of collapsed crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital’s digital collection. 


In this week’s newsletter, read about how Romania plans to drive Web3 adoption in the country using NFTs. Check out how Sotheby’s will auction off some NFTs of the collapsed crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital. In other news, find out how games and tokenization are driving the maturation of the NFT space and how a second batch of Trump NFTs sold out a day after launch. And don’t forget this week’s Nifty News featuring Yuga Labs’ victory in court.


Romania plugs into Web3 with national NFT marketplace

Romania’s National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, known as ICI Bucharest, has announced that it will launch an institutional NFT platform to drive Web3 adoption in the country.

According to Paul Niculescu-Mizil Gheorghe, ICI Bucharest’s blockchain laboratory coordinator, NFTs have become valuable assets for institutions due to their innate capability of creating unique and scarce assets. Gheorghe said this can be applied to numerous use cases.


Sotheby’s will auction off part of 3AC’s digital art collection

Fine art broker Sotheby’s announced it will auction some NFT artworks assembled as part of collapsed hedge fund Three Arrows Capital’s (3AC) digital portfolio. The company will begin the auction with seven NFTs Sotheby’s executive Michael Bouhanna described as “some of the highest quality and rarest works.”

The auction includes a zombie CryptoPunk, an Autoglyph and “The Golden Goose,” which was bought by 3AC’s founders for around $5.8 million in Ether



Source : [Romania to launch national NFT marketplace: Nifty Newsletter, April 19–25]( by Cointelegraph By Ezra Reguerra - Cointelegraph by Cointelegraph By Ezra Reguerra / April 26, 2023 logo


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