5 YouTube channels to learn Web3 development



If you’re looking to learn Web3 development, discover five YouTube channels to help you assist through the journey. 


Web3 development is an exciting field that is rapidly gaining popularity, thanks to the increasing adoption of blockchain technology. If you’re interested in learning about Web3 development, YouTube is an excellent resource to turn to. In this article, we’ll highlight five of the top YouTube channels that one can use to learn about Web3 development.


EatTheBlocks is a great resource for learning Web3 development. The channel is run by Julien Klepatch, who is a blockchain developer and consultant. EatTheBlocks offers a wide range of tutorials on blockchain development, with a focus on Ethereum and Solidity.

The channel covers everything from basic concepts to advanced topics, such as decentralized finance (DeFi) and nonfungible tokens (NFTs). The tutorials are well-produced and beginner-friendly, making them accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about Web3 development.


One of the unique features of EatTheBlocks is that it offers both free and paid content. The free content includes tutorials on topics such as Ethereum, Solidity and smart contracts, while the paid content includes more advanced tutorials and courses.

Crypto Zombie

The YouTube channel Crypto Zombie provides an engaging educational series on Solidity programming. The lessons cover fundamental ideas, such as data types, functions and inheritance, and are suitable for beginners. The distinctive aspect of Crypto Zombie is that it uses the creation of a zombie game to teach Solidity programming.



Beginners may easily learn while having fun thanks to the courses’ interactive and entertaining design. The channel also features a discussion board where users can post queries and seek assistance from other programmers. Furthermore, the zombie game adds a level of excitement to the learning process, and the tutorials are divided into short, digestible steps.

Related: 9 tech YouTube channels to follow 

Dapp University

Dapp University is a YouTube channel that offers a wide range of educational resources on blockchain, Web3, smart contracts, cryptocurrency and other related topics. The channel’s content is geared toward developers and enthusiasts who want to learn more about blockchain and its applications.

The channel publishes a combination of to-the-point tutorials, live coding demos and interviews, providing viewers with a well-rounded understanding of the subject matter. In addition to tutorials and demos, Dapp University also features interviews with prominent figures in the blockchain space. These interviews provide valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in blockchain technology, as well as offer valuable advice and guidance for those who are interested in pursuing a career in this field.


FreeCodeCamp.org also has an active YouTube channel that offers resources for learning Web3 development. The channel features a wide range of videos on blockchain, Ethereum, Solidity and other Web3 technologies.


The videos on the channel cover a range of topics, from basic concepts to more advanced topics like DeFi and NFTs. The tutorials are beginner-friendly and are designed to be accessible to anyone who wants to learn about Web3 development. The channel also offers a community forum where users can ask questions and get help from other developers.

Nader Dabit

Nader Dabit, a software developer and author with a focus on serverless and blockchain technologies, offers resources for learning Web3 development through his YouTube channel

He shares a mix of concise tutorials, live coding demonstrations and interviews that center on contemporary Web development, Web3, DeFi, cloud computing and GraphQL. The tutorials are well-produced and are designed to be accessible to both beginners and experienced developers.


Source : [5 YouTube channels to learn Web3 development](cointelegraph.com/news/5-youtube-channels-to-learn-web3-development) by Cointelegraph By Alice Ivey - Cointelegraph by Cointelegraph By Alice Ivey / April 26, 2023

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