AMD hardware accelerators to support blockchain interoperability



The semiconductor developer Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is bringing enterprise-grade hardware accelerators into the Web3 space to support blockchain interoperability.

On Feb. 21, the interoperability platform Wormhole — known for powering multichain applications and bridges at scale — announced a collaboration with AMD to bring its FPGA hardware accelerators to the Wormhole ecosystem.

The partnership will also have AMD employ its expertise in hardware acceleration and technical support to the ecosystem to help with speed and scalability for multichain applications being built with Wormhole.

Additionally, in the months following, engineers from both AMD and Wormhole plan to release mainnet deployments of various zero-knowledge light clients. This will allow trustless message-passing to be enabled between blockchains including Ethereum, Near, Solana, Aptos, Sui and Cosmos.

The advancements of zero-knowledge cryptography, coupled with enhanced computing power, create a combination that supports more secure blockchain transfers and reducing the reliance on third-party entities to establish trust and security.

Wormhole said the adoption of zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) will help reduce its reliance on centralized node operators in favor of a trustless solution.

Hamid Salehi, the director of product management for Adaptive and Embedded Computing Group at AMD, said the company is “excited” to help accelerate “decentralized computing in the blockchain industry.”

Rehul Maganti, a contributor to the Wormhole ecosystem, is quoted as saying that the AMD partnership will bring the ecosystem “one step closer” to low-latency, trustless, multichain messaging.

He said the several ZK-enabled corridors they are expected to roll out in the partnership should level-up user experience, “both in terms of speed and security”

AMD has been widely known for its development of semiconductor chips, used to power high-level artificial intelligence (AI) applications. It is in direct competition with market leaders such as Microsoft and Intel.

Many industry insiders in the Web3 industry consider AI and blockchain to emerge as a power duo in the space over the next year as both technologies provide complimentary use cases to another.

Source : Cointelegraph by Savannah Fortis / Feb 21, 2024 logo


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