BlackRock Settles SEC Charges as Crypto Community Awaits Bitcoin ETF Decision



BlackRock Settles SEC Charges as Crypto Community Awaits Bitcoin ETF DecisionThe Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States has reached an agreement with BlackRock, fining the financial firm $2.5 million for improperly describing its investments in the entertainment business. 


The allegations come as the SEC prepares to assess BlackRock's application for a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF).The deal was reached without BlackRock, the world's largest investment manager, acknowledging or rejecting the charges. 


According to the SEC, BlackRock's Multi-Sector Income Trust (BIT) invested in film firm Aviron Group, LLC between 2015 and 2019, but misrepresented it as a "Diversified Financial Services" company.


The anticipation surrounding a potential Bitcoin ETF approval has pushed the price of Bitcoin higher, with the price of Bitcoin (BTC) surpassing $35,000 momentarily. 


Additional capital inflows into the crypto market are expected if the ETFs are approved.Let us know what you loved about this article, what could be improved, or share any other feedback by filling out this short form. 


Source : Yahoo crypto / October 25, 2023 logo


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