Blockchain finance to grow into $79.3B market by 2032



The global blockchain finance market — encompassing public and private blockchains, trading, payments, settlements and asset management — is well-positioned to grow into a $79.3B market by 2032.


A report by Allied Market Research revealed that the blockchain finance market players are heavily exploring collaborations and acquisitions as a top strategy. COVID-19 pandemic-induced disruptions in traditional finance, coupled with the promise to reduce operational costs set the stage for the mainstreaming of the digital ecosystem. The public blockchain sub-segment accounts for dominant market share. 


In 2023, the public blockchain sub-segment represents the lion’s share of the type of blockchains being used worldwide. Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) are some of the prominent crypto ecosystems that use public blockchains. Public blockchains come with numerous upsides, as explained in the report:


“Public blockchains leverage significant computational power, making them ideal for maintaining large distributed ledgers associated with financial transactions. These factors are anticipated to boost the blockchain finance market.


”When it comes to the applications of blockchain finance, cross-border payments and trading are two of the largest sub-segments, driven by the rising demand from individuals, enterprises, merchants, industries and international development groups.


The cross-border payments and settlement sub-segment accounts for dominant market share. 


As shown above, the trend is expected to continue as users continue to seek cheaper alternatives to move their savings across the world. North America dominated the blockchain finance market in 2022 and is expected to maintain its lead for blockchain finance adoption.


Blockchain finance market report highlights. Source: Allied Market ResearchBased on the quantitative analysis of trends and dynamics of the blockchain finance industry, Allied Market Research predicted a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) growth of 60.5%. Based on the estimates, the industry is poised to grow into a $79.3 billion market.


A report recently published by digital payments network Ripple revealed that blockchain could potentially save financial institutions approximately $10 billion in cross-border payment costs by the year 2030. “In the survey, over 50% of respondents believe that lower payment costs — both domestically and internationally — is crypto’s primary benefit,” the report notes. The statement complements Allied Market Research’s report, which bases its growth trajectory prediction on cheaper and safer alternatives.


Source : Cointelegraph / October 04, 2023 logo


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L’acquisto di asset digitali è soggetto a un elevato rischio di mercato e volatilità dei prezzi. Le variazioni di valore possono essere significative e avvengono rapidamente e senza preavviso. Le prestazioni passate non sono un indicatore affidabile delle prestazioni future. Il valore di un investimento e i rendimenti possono variare al rialzo come al ribasso e potrebbe essere che non recuperiate l’importo investito. AVVERTENZA DI RISCHIO

Automata ICO Limited ha una filiale in Italia con sede legale in Via Archimede, 161, Roma, Italia, e registrata in Italia con il numero 96550860587 presso l'Organismo Agenti e Mediatori (OAM) come fornitore di servizi di asset virtuali (VASP).

Automata France SAS è una società registrata in Francia con il numero aziendale 902 498 617. Automata FRANCE SAS è registrata presso l'Autorità del mercato finanziario francese, l’Autorité des marchés financiers (“AMF”), come fornitore di servizi di asset virtuali con il numero E2023-087.

Automata France SAS è un partner di Modulr Finance B.V., una società registrata nei Paesi Bassi con il numero di registrazione 81852401, autorizzata e regolamentata dalla Banca Centrale Olandese (DNB) come Istituzione di Denaro Elettronico (Numero di Riferimento Aziendale: R182870) per l’emissione di moneta elettronica e servizi di pagamento. Il tuo account e i servizi di pagamento correlati sono forniti da Modulr Finance B.V. I tuoi fondi saranno detenuti in uno o più conti segregati e protetti in conformità con la Legge sulla Vigilanza Finanziaria. Come teniamo al sicuro il vostro denaro.