CoinMarketCap launches ChatGPT plugin



Crypto data aggregator CoinMarketCap, owned by crypto exchange Binance, has created a novel plugin for the large-language model (LLM)-based AI chatbot ChatGPT.


According to the Oct. 11 announcement, users can access the feature by signing in to their ChatGPT Plus account and simply enabling the plugin, allowing them to ask the LLM a variety of crypto-related questions. There is no additional fee to use the plugin, aside from the $20-per-month subscription fee for ChatGPT Plus. “The base ChatGPT has limited use to crypto enthusiasts, as data is mostly restricted up to Sept 2021. ChatGPT’s recently-expanded web browsing capabilities likewise have limitations in serving real-time crypto data,” developers wrote.


The LLM is capable of generating answers for simple questions such as “How correlated are Bitcoin and Ethereum in 2023?” to “How do variations in token distribution models (ICO/IDO/launchpads, etc) correlate with observed price volatility?” Through the integration, prompts generated by ChatGPT are sourced directly from CoinMarketCap, with real-time information such as listing, gainers and losers, latest blockchain statistics, etc. The tool is compatible with both desktop and mobile devices.


Multiple exchanges are currently experimenting with artificial intelligence (AI) technologies amid the ChatGPT boom. In July, Cointelegraph reported that crypto exchange Bitget launched an AI-powered feature for its grid trading strategies, leveraging the use of trading algorithms to automate transactions for users. In an interview, Gracy Chen, managing director at Bitget, revealed that the exchange is using AI tools to handle translation for its multi-language services as well as its customer service department.


Simultaneously, the Nasdaq exchange received approval from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission last month for AI-based trade orders. Crypto exchange Binance has also launched an AI-powered nonfungible token generator for verified users.


Source : Cointelegraph / October 10, 2023 logo


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