Finance Blockchain Injective Integrates Into Google Cloud’s Analytics Hub



Injective, a dedicated blockchain for financial applications, announces its integration into Google Cloud, one of the leading providers of cloud computing services.


The Injective integration will be accessible through the Analytics Hub, Google Cloud's exclusive data exchange platform. This will allow both developers and enterprises to interact with all data across the Injective network. Using a Google Cloud server, anyone can utilize customizable Injective datasets for various use cases, including building DeFi applications and institutional trading strategies.


Previously, Google Cloud offered BigQuery datasets for major blockchain networks like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Now, Injective will become part of this prominent group of Layer-1 protocols.


Injective is an open, interoperable layer-one blockchain optimized for building Web3 finance applications. By providing out-of-the-box modules such as orderbooks and options, Injective enables developers to build DeFi apps in days. It currently boasts one of the fastest chains in the industry, achieving a subsecond block time for its over 260 million transactions to date. This combination allows Injective to power an ecosystem of finance-focused applications already available to customers.


"This integration is a major step forward for the Injective ecosystem in continuing to expand its footprint into institutions and traditional finance,” said Eric Chen, CEO and co-founder of Injective Labs. "The Google Cloud team has played an integral role in the growth of Injective since its inception and this latest collaboration will help to take Web3 as a whole to new heights.”


With the growing demand for blockchain technology and decentralized finance, Injective’s integration into Google Cloud's Analytics Hub is a significant move towards building a more sustainable and scalable infrastructure for the industry. The integration is expected to drive innovation in the financial sector, enabling developers and businesses to build new applications and services on top of the blockchain.


“We are committed to helping customers seamlessly connect their first party data with third party data in BigQuery to enable the most powerful analytics and AI, " said Kelly Sitarski, Director of Data and Content Partnerships at Google Cloud. “We are excited to add Injective blockchain datasets to the Analytics Hub catalog to help customers enhance their Web3 finance applications.”


Source : Yahoo Finance / October 24, 2023 logo


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