Google Cloud welcomes over 10 new blockchains – Cryptopolitan



In an era where the virtual continues to dominate, Google Cloud makes yet another unapologetic stride in the crypto realm. By adding 11 more blockchains to its public data sets on BigQuery, this tech behemoth isn’t simply keeping pace with the industry’s demands. They’re defining them. But let’s break this down, shall we?


The Newcomers


Avalanche, Arbitrum, Cronos, Ethereum Goerli, Fantom, Near, Optimism, Polkadot, Polygon, Polygon Mumbai, and Tron are the fresh faces now gracing Google Cloud’s BigQuery. One can’t help but notice these aren’t just random additions; they’re the crème de la crème of blockchains – the in-demand ones, as they call it.


Users, in their ever-enthusiastic zest for data, can now get deep into the intricate details. Want to see how assets glide from one wallet to another? Or perhaps which tokens are clinching the popularity race? Maybe you’re more into how users are dancing with smart contracts?


Well, guess what? Google Cloud’s got your back. Gone are the days when these curious minds had to wrestle with the cumbersome tasks of operating nodes or maintaining an indexer. The game is changing, and Google Cloud is the one rolling the dice.


Google Cloud’s Evolving Relationship with Blockchain


For the historians among us, this isn’t Google Cloud’s first rendezvous with the blockchain universe. Let’s hop into our virtual time machine and head to 2018. The scene was set with Google Cloud extending its support to Bitcoin and Ethereum on BigQuery.


Now, with the newfangled ordinals (which, by the way, are pretty much Bitcoin’s answer to NFTs) coming into the scene in January 2023, Google Cloud has broadened its horizon even more. Developers, suit up! You can now query not only satoshis but also ordinals from the Bitcoin dataset on BigQuery.


2019 saw another notable chapter in this saga. Google Cloud brought six more chains into the BigQuery fold: Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Dogecoin, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, and Zcash.


Yet, their tryst with blockchain isn’t solely about hoarding massive datasets like some digital dragon sitting atop its gold. There’s more to this narrative. Google Cloud’s ambition extends to becoming an oracle operator for LayerZero, the cross-chain messaging protocol. The plot thickens, doesn’t it?


What Does This Mean for the Future?


While some may laud Google Cloud’s commitment, let’s not mince words here. It’s not altruism; it’s astute business strategy. In the vast sea of tech conglomerates, Google Cloud is positioning itself as the undisputed admiral.


They are not waiting for the future; they’re crafting it, ensuring they’re always a step ahead in meeting user demands, even before users realize these demands exist.


Yet, there are questions, concerns, and critiques to address. With an increasing number of blockchains, how will this affect the current ecosystem? Is this expansion a mere numbers game or a strategic move? Only time will tell. For now, all we can do is watch, analyze, and, if necessary, critique.


But one thing’s for sure: Google Cloud’s move to integrate over 10 new blockchains is bold, brave, and nothing short of groundbreaking. While the tech world buzzes with excitement, speculation, and skepticism, Google Cloud is simply doing what it does best: leading from the front, unapologetically and undeterred.


Source : Cryptopolitan / September 23, 2023 logo


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