How blockchain is revolutionizing the gaming industry?



GameFi is a term used to describe “game finance,” as it integrates traditional gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi) using blockchain technology. GameFi employs blockchain technology to create decentralized gaming marketplaces offering players different economic incentives and financial opportunities through play-to-earn blockchain games. Players can earn cryptocurrency by playing games or participating in various activities within the gaming world. In contrast, the traditional gaming industry is mainly retained by corporations offering limited earning potential until now. GameFi is the new frontier of gaming innovation that has rapidly impacted the traditional gaming industry since the rise of Axie Infinity. The Ethereum-based platform has developed a new gaming model that rewards players for the time and effort spent playing the blockchain game instead of just the money they put in, making platforms like Axie Infinity a popular investment option among crypto gaming enthusiasts. GameFi typically involves the creation of gaming tokens or NFTs that can be used as in-game assets like virtual land, avatars, weapons, costumes or currency traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. Players can earn these tokens by participating in various activities within the game, such as completing quests, winning battles or staking tokens. These tokens can then be used to purchase in-game items, trade with other players, or exchange for other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies. GameFi platforms may offer additional DeFi features such as yield farming, staking and liquidity supply.Overall, GameFi offers gamers a new and exciting way to earn money while playing their favorite games. It allows DeFi investors to make returns on their digital assets while participating in the gaming ecosystem. 


Source : [How blockchain is revolutionizing the gaming industry?]( undefined - Blockchain gaming Gaming•20Cointelegraph / May 17, 2023 logo


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Automata ICO Limited ha una filiale in Italia con sede legale in Via Archimede, 161, Roma, Italia, e registrata in Italia con il numero 96550860587 presso l'Organismo Agenti e Mediatori (OAM) come fornitore di servizi di asset virtuali (VASP).

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