Microstrategy Acquires 5,445 More Bitcoin — Total Holdings Climb to 158,245 BTC



Microstrategy has acquired 5,445 more bitcoin, bringing the company’s total holdings to 158,245 BTC. 


According to the company’s filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the additional bitcoins were acquired during the period between Aug. 1 and Sept. 24. 


Microstrategy Adds 5,445 Bitcoin to Its Treasury The Nasdaq-listed software intelligence firm Microstrategy has continued to increase its bitcoin holdings. 


On Monday, Michael Saylor, founder and chairman of Microstrategy, announced on social media platform X: Microstrategy has acquired an additional 5,445 BTC for ~$147.3 million at an average price of $27,053 per bitcoin. As of 9/24/23 Microstrategy hodls 158,245 BTC acquired for ~$4.68 billion at an average price of $29,582 per bitcoin. 


According to the company’s filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the additional bitcoins were acquired between Aug. 1 and Sept. 24. Microstrategy also announced on Monday that as of Sept. 24, it had issued and sold an aggregate of 403,362 shares of its Class A common stock under the sales agreement it announced on Aug. 1 for aggregate net proceeds of approximately $145.3 million. 


Microstrategy announced on Aug. 1 that it had entered into a sales agreement with Cowen and Company LLC, Canaccord LLC, and Berenberg Capital Markets LLC to issue and sell shares of its class A common stock, with an aggregate offering price of up to $750 million “from time to time.” 


The software firm disclosed at the time: “We intend to use the net proceeds from this offering for general corporate purposes, including the acquisition of bitcoin and working capital, and, subject to market conditions, for the repurchase or repayment of our indebtedness.” 


At the time of writing, bitcoin is trading at $26,097, down almost 5% over the last 7 days but up 57% year-to-date. 


Source : Bitcoin.com / September 26, 2023

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