Orchid (OXT) - How it works



In a world of increasing online surveillance and censorship, Orchid (OXT) emerges as a game-changer in the VPN landscape. Orchid is not just a VPN; it's a decentralized marketplace for anonymous communication and network routing powered by cryptocurrency.


Orchid was founded in 2017 by Dr. Steven Waterhouse, Jay Freeman, Brian J Fox, and Gustav Simonsson, bringing expertise in computer science, software engineering, and blockchain. With a finite supply of 1 billion OXT, its scarcity adds long-term value, positioning Orchid in the booming $35 billion VPN market.

What Orchid Offers:

Privacy-Powered VPN: Orchid's decentralized VPN allows users to buy bandwidth from global service providers, ensuring anonymity through Ethereum blockchain operation.

Incentivized Privacy: Orchid pioneers incentivized peer-to-peer privacy networks, using its native cryptocurrency, OXT, to counteract malicious behavior.

Seamless Switching: Unlike traditional VPNs, Orchid lets users switch providers with a click, and charges are incurred only during active VPN usage.

How Orchid Works:

Custom VPN Protocol: Orchid uses a custom VPN protocol on the WebRTC standard, ensuring high-performance networking.

Probabilistic Nanopayments: OXT facilitates bandwidth payments through innovative probabilistic nanopayments, offering scalable and efficient transactions.

Internet Freedom & Privacy

Internet Freedom: Orchid aims to restore internet freedom, offering a VPN solution that addresses the weaknesses of centralized services.

Privacy & Performance: Orchid enhances privacy while incentivizing performance improvement in peer-to-peer systems, ensuring a seamless and secure online experience.

Source : Rayn Research / Jan 9, 2024

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