Pokémon NFTs Sold Out on Polygon in Seconds



In a recent development, Courtyard initiated the sale of Pokémon-themed NFT cards on the Polygon blockchain. 


These digital collectibles were purchased almost instantly, causing the floor price to skyrocket in the first few hours after the sale commenced. According to digital asset analyst S4mmy.eth, the organizers accepted payments in USD Coin (USDC) stablecoin and fiat money from credit cards. Polygon Continues to Surge Ahead in NFT Ecosystem Sandeep Nailwal, the co-founder of Polygon, expressed enthusiasm over the success of the Pokémon NFT cards, stating that “the NFT ecosystem on Polygon continues to surge ahead!” In recent weeks, Polygon has made big strides in the NFT marketplace. Participants in the token sale acquired “Mystery boxes,” which are standardized virtual packs. 


Each box allows the owner to receive one of the previously disclosed Pokémon-themed cards. Buyers have the option to open these packs within 24 hours; otherwise, all packs will automatically open after 48 hours. Last August, it surpassed Solana to become the second most active blockchain for NFT trading. Furthermore, Polygon scored a partnership with the largest Korean telecom operator, SK Telecom, to issue NFTs for its marketing program. 


Even online shopping giant Flipkart has released NFTs on the Polygon platform for its customers. Source Courtyard Pokémon Trading Cards: A Rich Legacy Meets the Digital Age The Pokémon Trading Card Game has been a global phenomenon since its introduction in Japan in 1996. Players use decks of 60 cards, each representing different Pokémon characters, trainers, or energy types. The objective is to knock out all of an opponent’s Pokémon. 


Cards come in various rarities, including common, uncommon, rare, ultra-rare, and secret rare, with the rarest fetching prices in the hundreds or thousands of dollars. The recent NFT sale is a digital evolution of this beloved game, aligning with the existing rarities and adding a new layer to the Pokémon trading card landscape. The recent sale of Pokémon-themed NFT cards on the Polygon blockchain was met with immediate success, reflecting both the enduring popularity of Pokémon trading cards and Polygon’s growing prominence in the NFT ecosystem. 


The event marks a significant moment where a cherished traditional card game meets the innovations of the digital age, further fueling discussions on the future of NFTs and collectibles.


Source : NFT News Today by Gabriel Rodriguez / September 25, 2023

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