Really and Avalanche: Pioneering Blockchain-based AR Movie Experiences



Really, a company known for providing Web3 and Augmented Reality (AR) interactive experiences around blockbuster movies, has joined hands with the Avalanche blockchain platform. The partnership aims to recast digital collectible ticketing experiences by utilizing a layer-2 Ethereum scaler.
Digital IDs and Global Expansion
This collaboration will see Fandime NFT holders get a unique, blockchain-based digital ID. This ID will be minted on the Avalanche blockchain and stored securely in their Really account. Really’s expansion into several Asian and Oceanic regions, including Japan, Korea, Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore, is expected to significantly enhance the digital collectible movie experience globally.
Engaging Fans with Fandime Tokens
The innovative Fandime tokens serve as a new form of audience engagement. Fans can earn these tokens by attending movies, buying merchandise, and interacting with Really’s AR experiences. Additionally, these tokens can be purchased directly on the Fandime app.

Once earned or purchased, Fandime tokens open doors to a host of perks. These include digital rewards, movie-related AR content, exclusive opportunities, AR trophies, and wearable face filters. Token holders can immerse themselves into a unique digital universe brought to life through AR and blockchain technology.
Future of Fandime Tokens
Speaking about the partnership, James Andrew Felts, the CEO of Really, emphasized the groundbreaking fusion of AR and blockchain technology. He noted the significant transition from 2D to 3D digital interfaces, and how it has personalized digital interactions.

Fandime tokens’ utility is set to expand in the coming year. Really plans to introduce more ways to earn and redeem these tokens. These include purchasing movie tickets and merchandise, availing discounts, and earning tokens for viewing content at home.
A New Era in Entertainment
This partnership is poised to redefine the entertainment industry, bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds. With a focus on personalization and interactivity, the collaboration between Really and Avalanche is a giant leap forward for both blockchain technology and the movie industry. The blend of AR and blockchain technology offers a new dimension to the cinematic experience, making it more immersive and engaging than ever before.

Source : NFT News Today / Dec 21, 2023 logo


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