Steve Aoki and Stepn Release Limited-Edition Digital Sneaker NFTs



Renowned DJ and producer Steve Aoki has joined forces with Stepn to bring an innovative and futuristic concept to the worlds of fashion, fitness and blockchain. Together, they have released a unique collection of digital sneakers as NFTs, creating a new way for enthusiasts to express their style and creativity. 


The digital sneakers will be minted on the Solana blockchain, a high-performance blockchain network known for its speed and low transaction fees. This choice ensures a seamless and efficient experience for collectors who want to own these exclusive digital footwear. The collection features 300 limited-edition digital sneakers, each available in four distinct designs—Walker, Jogger, Runner, and Trainer. 


Each design has been meticulously crafted to bring a cutting-edge aesthetic, combining art and technology in an extraordinary way. 


MOOAR Marketplace Release Details Exciting news for fans of Aoki’s work, as 240 of these NFTs will be available for purchase on the MOOAR marketplace. The limited release will take place between October 31 and November 4, with each NFT priced at 3,500 GMT (approximately $695). This not only offers a unique opportunity to own a piece of Aoki’s digital fashion but also presents a chance for collectors and enthusiasts to be part of an evolving trend. In addition to the marketplace release, Aoki’s fan community is in for a treat. 


Sixty additional NFTs will be set aside exclusively for them, making the total collection size of these highly sought-after digital sneakers a lucky number of 300. Stepn Integration What sets these NFTs apart from other non-fungible tokens is the integration of the Stepn platform. By connecting the digital sneakers to their mobile phones, users can earn crypto rewards based on their physical activities such as walking and jogging. 


Stepn, developed by Find Satoshi Lab, has an impressive user base of over 2 million active monthly users. This presents an exciting opportunity for Aoki’s fans to not only support their favorite artist but also be rewarded for their active lifestyles. The NFTs present an innovative way to own a piece of the digital fashion future. With the launch of Gas Hero, Find Satoshi Lab’s upcoming massively multiplayer online game, the possibilities for fashion and gaming technology on the blockchain are endless. 


Source : NFT News Today by Ronan Mullaney / October 31, 2023 logo


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