Worldcoin Launches Minecraft Integration for ID Verification Purposes



Worldcoin, the biometric ID and digital wallet project, will now allow Minecraft server integration through one of its apps. A plugin called Luckperms, a Minecraft server mod, lets server admins tackle the bot problem by only giving access to the server to World ID-verified users.

Minecraft to Integrate Worldcoin for ID Verification Purposes

Worldcoin, the iris-scanning ID and digital wallet program, can now be integrated with Minecraft, the award-winning Microsoft-owned game, through one of its apps. Worldcoin’s inclusion in the game is focused on dealing with the “griefing” problem, which happens when a bot user joins a server to ruin the gaming experience.

Through Luckperms, a Worldcoin app, server admins can leverage World ID to establish a set of permissible actions that only verified users can perform, leaving unverified users unable to access these features until they verify with World ID.

The feature would be available by installing a plugin in the Minecraft server, and users would have to verify their identities using a command line prompt, according to the description of the Luckperms app.

Before, Mojang Studios, the Microsoft-owned company that developed Minecraft, had taken a strong stance against blockchain and non-fungible token (NFT) technologies, stating that they “are not permitted to be integrated inside our Minecraft client and server applications nor may they be utilized to create NFTs associated with any in-game content, including worlds, skins, persona items, or other mods.”

However, in this case, while Worldcoin uses blockchain technology for issuing and distributing its WLD rewards token, Luckperms integration will only focus on the identity verification function of the Worldcoin project.

Worldcoin is extending these ID verification services to other platforms such as Discord, Reddit, Shopify, and Telegram. An upcoming app to integrate with Latam’s e-commerce giant Mercado Libre is listed as “coming soon” on Worldcoin’s website.

Source : / Dec 27, 2023 logo


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