In order to be able to offer you Rayn services, we maintain registrations with various European regulators.
VASP Registration
Automata ICO Limited has a branch in Italy with its registered office at Via Archimede, 161, Roma, Italy, and registered in Italy under number 96550860587 with the Organismo Agenti e Mediatori (OAM) as a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP).
Automata France SAS is a company registered in France with the company number 902 498 617. Automata FRANCE SAS is registered with the french Financial Market Authority, l’Autorité des marchés financiers (“AMF”), as a provider of Virtual Asset Service Provider under number E2023-087.
EMI Partners
United Kingdom
Automata Pay Ltd, a company incorporated in England and Wales with its registered office at 65-66 Warwick House 4th Floor, Queen Street, London, England, EC4R 1EB, registered in Ireland under number 12208424 and is a registered agent of Modulr FS Limited which is authorised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (UK FCA) for the issuance of E-money, having UK FCA firm reference number 900573 (“AUTOMATA UK”).
Automata Pay Europe Limited, a company incorporated in Ireland, with its registered office at 3rd Floor Ormond Building, 31-36 Ormond Quay Upper, Dublin 7, D07 Ee37, Ireland, registered in Ireland under number 69028 and is a registered agent of Modulr FS Europe Limited (638002) which is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as an Electronic Money Institution (“AUTOMATA IR”)